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Shown bed rest, antipyretic drugs, heavy drinking, diet, interferon drugs, symptomatic therapy according to indications.

In severe cases, a specific anti-influenza immunoglobulin is indicated. Amantadine and rimantadine are only effective against influenza A virus if treatment is started within the first 48 hours after the onset of the first signs of the disease. The drugs cause a shortening of the febrile period, weakening the manifestations of influenza. In recent years, resistance of the influenza pathogen to rimantadine has been noted. Tamiflu has established itself as a highly effective and tamoxifen drug.

Clinical studies have shown that the drug penetrates well into the main foci of infection, including the lungs, middle ear, sinuses, and is well tolerated by both children and adults of all age groups. The effectiveness of Tamiflu largely depends on the timing of its intake - when starting treatment in the first 12 hours after the onset of fever, the average duration of influenza is reduced by 3 days compared with later therapy. Early treatment also led to the rapid disappearance of intoxication, a significant decrease in the duration of fever and the severity of influenza. Anti-influenza immunoglobulin 0.2 ml/kg (for the treatment and prevention of influenza in young children). Vasoconstrictor agents locally to facilitate nasal breathing. Nafazolin - for adults, 1-3 drops of 0.05% solution in each half of the nose every 4-6 hours or xylometazoline in each half of the nose, 1-3 drops of 0.1% solution 1-3 rubles / day . (adults) or 1 drop of 0.1% solution 1 r./day. (children from 2 to 12 years old). Vitamins (ascorbic acid, rutoside).

Whole virus, they can be either live or inactivated (killed). Indicated for vaccination of nolvadex pills and healthy people, they are inexpensive, effective in terms of immunity, but when administered, they give a high percentage of side effects, often cause fever, malaise and headaches. Subunit vaccines are vaccines that do not contain complete viral particles, but only fragments of the molecule, on which the immune system forms immunity to influenza. They are more expensive, but they are much better tolerated than whole-virus ones. However, it is worth remembering that the virus has the specificity of mutating, and vaccines may lose their effectiveness.

Split vaccines contain fragments of killed influenza viruses, both from their unstable and mutating shell, and from the whole and permanent core of the virus. They are the most expensive, but today the most effective, give the minimum number of side effects and have the highest efficiency. Subunit and split vaccines can be used in children, debilitated patients and pregnant women. They are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Vaccination is especially effective in the period before the start of the epidemic, from September to order nolvadex online. In the future, vaccination is also applicable. But the prevention of influenza with rimantadine is additionally indicated.

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With the introduction of the vaccine, local (swelling and redness at the injection site) and general reactions (malaise, drowsiness, mild temperature) may occur. Vaccination is prohibited for acute infections, exacerbation of chronic pathology and allergies to egg protein, with previous negative reactions to vaccination. In addition to vaccination, there is another prevention of influenza - this is the refusal to visit crowded places during the epidemic. It is necessary to wash hands, regularly wash and moisturize the nasal mucosa, rinse the mouth, take immunostimulants and high doses of vitamin C.

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